‘Essays Divine and Human’ (CWSA volume 12) is a marvellous collection of essays, short writings and mind-widening aphorisms. These are essays that Sri Aurobindo wrote after his arrival in Pondicherry in 1910 but which were not seen by him before publication. Another set of essays, also written in Pondicherry but which were seen by him before publication, became a part of CWSA 13 (‘Essays in Philosophy and Yoga’).
This talk is based on CWSA Vol 31 Transformation of Human Nature in the Integral Yoga
In this work, Sri Aurobindo outlines the history of English poetry and explores the possibility of a spiritual poetry in the future. It was...
This talk continues with the ‘The Synthesis of Yoga’ (CWSA Vol 23-24) as part of the series on Writings of Sri Aurobindo.