Sri Aurobindo’s writings on the Vedas span through a number of books. Three volumes – Vol 14 ‘Vedic and Philological Studies’, Vol 15 ‘The Secret of the Veda’, and Vol 16 ‘Hymns to the Mystic Fire’ – are completely dedicated to revealing to man the truths contained in the Vedas. We also find significant writings on the Vedas in the Vol 9 “Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit” as well as in Essays and Letters. The importance Sri Aurobindo gave to the Vedas can be understood by the fact that most of the quotations given at the beginning of His Magnum Opus The Life Divine are from the Vedas.
The first talk of this series gives us a general overview of Sri Aurobindo’s writings and the necessity of reading them.
The concluding talk on The Essays on the Gita (CWSA 19).
Today we look at the ninth volume of CWSA (The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo) “Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit”. In this talk, several...