In this talk we take up the fifth volume of CWSA (The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo) “Translations”.
Sri Aurobindo’s translations are unique by how Master’s touch enriches existing masterpieces which had lost some of their shine through the ages. Not only does Sri Aurobindo brings them to us in the language we know, but also shows us the way to approach these marvellous works. The great beauty of Sri Aurobindo is that by his masterly touch he can turn base metal into the purest gold. Here he is touching gold itself and polishing and carving it into a beautiful ornament for the soul to relish.
This talk continues with the ‘The Synthesis of Yoga’ (CWSA Vol 23-24) as part of the series on Writings of Sri Aurobindo.
Essays on the Gita was first published in the monthly review Arya in two series. The first series, covering the first six chapters of...
Keys to the Practice We touch upon Chapters 8 to 18 of the last part of the Synthesis of Yoga, ‘The Yoga of Self-Perfection’.